Frymoyer’s heart pumps up holiday spirit

It’s hard not to argue that Jim Frymoyer, Sr. is a big man. A few years ago, while manning the chains for Pottsgrove High School’s football games, he’d tell anyone (actually joke with anyone) willing to listen that he’s probably wider than taller.
But does the man ever have a big heart.
Arguably as big as any in Pottstown … if not the entire area.
Despite dealing with more than his own share of adversity through the years, including life-threatening health issues with his wife, Jim Frymoyer has never once refused to open his arms and his wallet – or that heart – to help others.
There are rarely any days, weeks or months off on his lend-a-hand calendar, but Frymoyer’s generosity is never more evident, nor more appreciated, than it is in the months, weeks and days leading up to Christmas.
And this weekend, if Pottstown has ever been blessed to have its own genuine Santa Claus, he’ll be at the Moose Lodge on High Street.
Friday, for the 20th consecutive year, Frymoyer – the Community Service Coordinator of the Moose Lodge – and his devoted staff of volunteers will be out and about town distributing more than 30 holiday food baskets to needy families with young children. Saturday afternoon, Frymoyer and his devoted staff of volunteers will distribute gifts to more than 85 disadvantaged children during the Moose Lodge’s annual Christmas party.
For those who sometimes wonder why Frymoyer works as hard as he does year in and year
out, especially for this particular Christmas celebration, well, all they need to see are the bright eyes and smiles that light up the room when the gifts are given to the children, and the joy that warms up the room when the children unwrap them.
Frymoyer does.

And he struggles to keep a dry eye throughout the two days.
“I don’t know of anyone who cares more about children, children who aren’t as fortunate as we may have been when we were young, as Jimmy does,” said Tom Reed, the general manager of Piazza Honda of Pottstown and one of Frymoyer’s longtime friends. “But the one thing that troubles him is that he isn’t able to help more children and their families.
“There aren’t too many people who realize just how hard he works to help others, and how important it is to him to help others. And it’s never about Jimmy Frymoyer, either … it’s always about kids and their families.”
And it’s never “I” when Frymoyer talks.
“We really derive a great deal of personal satisfaction in working hard to raise the money and food donations to make this commitment to the community every year,” Frymoyer said recently. “We reach out to the businesses and civic organizations in the Pottstown area in order to get the resources we need to meet the children’s and families’ needs. We’re so grateful for their support.”
But the holiday spirit – and so many other happy moments delivered throughout the year thanks to a variety of other projects – wouldn’t be as joyful or as meaningful without Frymoyer.
An active member of the Moose Lodge for 25 years, Frymoyer has held several offices in the association and has been honored by the Moose’s state and national organizations. He has pioneered countless community service projects in Pottstown; has been a coordinator in the Youth Awareness Program; has helped high school students selected to participate in the Severity of Drug & Alcohol Abuse program train to make presentations to young children; and, among many other endeavors, was an integral part of a project that raised $10,000 to help a local man cover the medical costs of a liver transplant.
Frymoyer has also worked with the Pottstown Area Seniors Center, the United Way, and the Cluster of Religious Outreach.
What makes him so successful in his work in the community is his sincerity. That engaging personality is genuine. There is no agenda other than that of helping others.
“Jimmy is devoted to making the Pottstown community a better place to live and a great place to raise a family,” Reed said. “He’s committed to that … and he works as hard as anyone I know in hopes of making it happen.”
* * *
Anyone wishing to make a financial contribution or a donation of food and gifts to the Moose Lodge’s community projects can do so by calling Frymoyer at 610-327-3806.
Labels: Frymoyer, giving toys
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